from the blog.

Root Source of Addiction is Lack of Identity

Gina LindquistDid you know that the root source of addiction is lack of identity?

Most people believe that their actions define who they are when, really, who we believe we are, determines our actions. At Passion Ministries Inc., our goal is to help women break free from the lie of addiction by teaching them the truth of their God given identity.

One of our supporters, shares his testimony of freedom through a similar program:

“My name is Joshua and I am the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus. This is how I identify myself today, but It wasn’t always like that. For many years I struggled with addiction because I didn’t know my true identity.

As a child I was raised to know Jesus and I was taught that he was more than enough. As I grew up though, I looked to the world for the love, acceptance, and the security that I needed. I sought pleasures but they became strongholds that stole my dreams, desires, and opportunities. Addiction caused me to sever relationships with the ones that loved me including God and I lost sight of my self-worth.

Facing consequences caused me to hit bottom and the world pointed me to A.A. Though It would help me stay clean for a while, I was in and out for years. I even tried short term rehabilitation programs, detoxes and hospitals. Nothing could fill that void in my heart till in desperation, I cried out to Jesus for help. My life changed when a fellow Christian referred me to a recovery program, run by like-minded people, who overcame their struggles by knowing and walking in their identity in Christ. The goal was restoration, by renewing my mind to the new creation I had become in Christ! They showed me how much God loved me and taught me to see myself the way God sees me.

The time spent in that program allowed me to focus on my recovery and to work through the painful times of my life that had always driven me to seek a substance for escape. By understanding that God has forgiven me, I was able to forgive myself and others. This brought healing and freedom to love others and myself. I learned that life is a result of the decisions I make so I study God’s word daily and seek the Lord first in all I do! I also know now, that even when I fall short, I am still His child and He will always be there to rescue and restore me. Jesus Christ did what was necessary to reunite me to my father God by taking my sin and giving me His righteousness.

Today I walk in freedom from addiction through my relationship with Him! I am grateful to have found a program and people to teach me this.”

Everyone knows that addiction affects more than the individual. Children, families, and even entire communities can suffer damage. In the same way, one life changed can restore hope and bring healing to even future generations.

Josh’s story is not unique, there are many out there like him. I used to be that way, but, like Josh and others, I found hope through the truth.

Will you help us get this message out?

If you’d like to be involved, please contact me directly by phone or email. Whatever your gift, either leadership or behind the scenes, there is a place for you, and we need you! Recovery meetings will be starting soon! Stay tuned for location and times.

Donations can be made to:

Passion Ministries Inc., PO Box 781122, Sebastian FL, 32978

Thank you and God bless you for your support.

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